Let me start this review by saying that I am emerging and imagining!
Lively and animated
The Gridmoves ‘Confront the Grey Voices: Overcome Your Inner Critic’ presentation this morning was lively and animated, a very enriching, interactive experience which was over too quickly! The facilitators, Natasha and Tamara were vivacious, exceptional and adroit professionals, skilled in engaging participants at all levels: visually, orally and auditive.
I found the Gridmoves concept fascinating
Breaking into small groups promoted co-creation and collaboration. I found the Gridmoves concept fascinating and was able to immediately conceptualise ways of employing the learning in a range of situations and frequencies: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly.
I can apply it easily to client couselling seession work. I can use it to monitor and express my own and other people’s moods. I could easily conceive it being used in group therapy or with my team at work. It’s versatile and can be easily integrated into conversations. It’s perfect for bringing shape and colour to our range of thoughts, emotions, behaviours, events and experiences. This method is simple, straightforward, accessible and powerful, easy to visualise and incorporate.
I came out of the session feeling empowered equipped to think, analyse and behave differently
When I think about my inner voice, often it’s concerned with my drivers- ‘not good enough’, ‘not intelligent enough’, not a great decision-maker’, and not having the right riposte at the right time. A course of CBT can be helpful, yet the Gridmoves concept is a whole new level. I came out of the session feeling empowered, equipped to think, analyse and behave differently.
The Gridmoves ‘maps’ allow for more nuances
I’ve renamed my inner voices as The Critic, The Coach and The Champion. I can programme my mind to transform my negative narrative. Thinking in ‘Grey, Green and Orange’ zones engages different areas of the brain than using, say, 1-5 on a scale. This kind of thinking brings a vibrancy to self-expression. A sliding scale can be conceived as ‘positive, negative’ whilst the Gridmoves ‘maps’ allow for more nuances and may encourage increased communication between sensory regions, thereby expanding how our clients might engage in the session, with the counsellor and ultimately with themselves.
Stimulates new neural pathways...
The Gridmoves concept encourages us to think of ‘blocks and flows’, and ‘motivation and momentum’, an alternative way to explore and convey thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and to stimulate new neural pathways.
This concept will really enhance my therapeutic work. I’m envisioning employing this approach in many arenas of my life as I find courage to face, confront and go to war with my inner critic. This will enhance my capacity to accept myself, and to carry myself with dignity and potency.

The workshop exceeded my expectations
Overall, the workshop exceeded my expectations. It was illuminating and a great way to cultivate your own creative talents by applying strategic perception. This is an experience I’d highly recommend to anyone looking to ambush their negative thinking, become more curious about themselves and enhance their self awareness.